Friday, July 11, 2008

Yorkshire Terrier Breeders

Writen by Elizabeth Morgan

The Yorkshire terrier is a very popular breed of toy dog. While some people prefer large dogs for the sense of security, other prefer small dogs for companionship and just plain fun. The Yorkshire terrier, popularly known as a Yorkie, is said to be among the most intelligent and playful of dogs. They love to learn new tricks. The breed originally hailed from Yorkshire, which is how they got their name. Due to the Yorkie?s popularity, the number of Yorkshire terrier breeders has also increased.

There are many breeders who do this work just for the love of money, and a few who do it to enhance the charm and beauty of this dog. The Internet is the best place to find a good breeder. Never hesitate in asking various questions of a breeder, like the number of litters per year, what kind of problems do Yorkies generally face, and how should they be housed. This gives you the clear picture of the Yorkshire terrier breeder's knowledge level and his ability to take proper care of the dogs. Breeding Yorkshire terriers is not an easy task, as it involves years of hard work and experience.

It has been also noticed that Yorkshire terrier breeders recommend various books to terrier owners, so that they can take care of their dogs when the breeder is not there. This eases the task of the breeders, and Yorkies can live a long and healthy life. So if you have a Yorkie and want to breed it, find a reputable Yorkshire terrier breeder.

Yorkshire Terriers provides detailed information on Miniature Yorkshire Terriers, Yorkshire Terrier Adoption, Yorkshire Terrier Breeders, Yorkshire Terrier Breeding and more. Yorkshire Terriers is affiliated with Miniature Dachshunds.

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