Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bringing Home A New Kitten

Writen by Cathy Kinser

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! The first thing you want to do with your new pet is to take him or her to the veterinarian. Always have a new pet checked out by a vet in the first few days after getting them. You want to make sure they are healthy and also get them started on preventative medicine right away. Make sure that they are started on there kitten vaccinations, they will need 2-3 vaccinations as kittens depending on there age and the recommendations of your veterinarian. Also make sure you have them test for intestinal parasites and have them dewormed as a precaution. Intestinal parasites can be very dangerous for the growing kitten and can also be transmitted to humans. The second thing you want to do is get them started on a high quality diet, there are many types of foods on the market today, discuss the best type and brand with your veterinarian. Your kitten will need to be started on flea and heartworm prevention, these preventions can also be started with your veterinarian.

Your kitten may already be started on litter box training and very familiar with using the litter box. This behavior often comes naturally for kittens and cats. So all you need to do is make sure they are aware of where the litter box is located. When you bring them home put them in the litter box so they can walk around and smell it and remember its location. In the first two days you have them make sure you occasionally take them and place them in the litter box so they become familiar with its location.

Scratching objects is a very common behavior in kittens and adult cats. Start them off young with a scratching post. Rub cat nip on the scratching post so they are aware that this a good place to scratch. If you catch your cat in the act of scratching the walls or your furniture discipline them. If you have not caught the kitten in the act but have found evidence of scratching on the furniture rub something that would taste bitter to the pet on the area they had been scratching once they get this taste on there paws and lick at it the bitter taste will deter them from scratching there again. You can either use something from you kitchen that tastes bitter or purchase a bitter apple spray from your local pet store.

Getting your kitten use to going on car rides and being in a crate will be very helpful to you in the future when you need to take them to the veterinarian. So as a kitten occasionally put your kitten in his or her carrier and take them on short car rides. Also getting your kitten use to being handled in different situations will make the veterinarian visits much easier on your cat and the vet staff as your kitten becomes an adult. In order to get your cat use to being handle put them in different positions such as on there backs and do a small physical exams by checking there ears and mouth. Doing this occasionally will get your cat prepared and use to it when they need to visit the veterinarian. Following these easy steps will help ensure that your experience as a new kitten owner will be a good one. Good luck with the new addition to your family!

Cathy's website Paw Prints Boutique is dedicated to pets and their owners. Providing pet lovers with the most fabulous Pet Accessories, including Cat beds, cat activity centers, cat scratching post and more. This articles co-author is Cathy's daughter Rachel she has a bachelors degree in Zoo Science. For the last two years she has been working as a small animal Veterinarian Assistant and is currently going to school through Purdue University for her Veterinary Technology degree.

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