Friday, June 27, 2008

Black Phantom Tetra

Writen by Gary Bolton

Family: Characidae

Species: Megalamphodus megalopterus

Size: 5cm (2 inch)

Diet: Omnivorous

Tank levels: Middle

Habitat: Streams in Bolivia and Brazil

Remarks: This species needs soft, acidic water for general well-being and breeding. Captive breeding can be problematic as the parents tend to eat the eggs, which are light-sensitive and prone to distintegration. A separate species tank for these tetras is advisable, although they will co-habit with smaller fishes.

Comments: The Black Phantom Tetra is a transparent grey-silver colour, with a dark distinguishing mark on the shoulder. Its eye has a gold rim around the iris. Unusually, the female of this species has a more colourful red adipose fin.


This fish comes from the "Tropical Fish" family species of fish. I hope you enjoyed this fish profile that I put together to help people to choose the right fish for the right aquarium tank setup you may own, or be thinking of buying in the future. If you require more information about keeping fish in general and what are the right fish to choose for your tank setups, you can always visit my site called "GB Aquarium" and see what's posted new there and also join in the discussion taking place.

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