Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Neon Tetra

Writen by Gary Bolton

Family: Characidae

Species: Paracheirodon innesi

Size: 2.5cm (1 inch)

Diet: Omnivorous

Tank levels: All

Habitat: The natural riverine habitat is Amazonia, but most Neon Tetras are now commercially bred

Remarks: The Neon Tetra is hardy and peaceful but difficult to breed.

Comments: The slim body of this fish has the same unmistakable electric blue-green stripe as the Cardinal Tetra. Here, however, the front lower body is silver. Scales are well defined in the upper dorsal area, and the fins are generally clear. Females have a plumper bodies which "bend" the stripe further. This has to be one of the most kept species of tropical fish, easy to keep and looks great in large shoals together in a well planted aquarium.


This fish comes from the "Tropical Fish" family species of fish. I hope you enjoyed this fish profile that I put together to help people to choose the right fish for the right aquarium tank setup you may own, or be thinking of buying in the future. If you require more information about keeping fish in general and what are the right fish to choose for your tank setups, you can always visit my site called "GB Aquarium" and see what's posted new there and also join in the discussion taking place.

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