Sunday, November 23, 2008

8 Tips To Stop Dinnertime Canine Beggars

Writen by Louise Louis

Most owners do not feed human food to their dogs. They recognize that some foods we love (e.g., chocolate) are dangerous for dogs, but some owners also are concerned that dogs who eat human food will start begging for it at human dinner times.

That may not always hold true, Louise Louis of notes, but the desire to avoid little beggars is reasonable. How annoying to be a guest at a home where Fido dominates the dinner!

Fortunately, begging is one of the easier canine misbehaviors to prevent.

1. Always have the family eat before Fido. That reinforces his secondary role to the humans.

2. Decide where Fido will be while you eat. It may be best to crate him or confine him to another room. Just ensure all family members agree to keep Fido in the same place each mealtime.

3. Don't let Fido sit under the table! There is too great a likelihood that food will be dropped or that a diner will not be able to resist the temptation to just give Fido one little bite.

4. Don't let Fido near the baby. Confining him away from your dinner table is especially vital if you have a baby or small child who is likely to throw or drop food. Fido will soon where to position himself for droppings.

5. Make sure everyone in the family agrees on the rules. Ask guests, even the in-laws, to adhere to the family rules.

6. Should Fido or guest's dog come around the table while you're eating, ignore him. If Fido doesn't get attention or food, he will stop nosing around. Never make eye contact.

7. Never give in to canine whining. Dogs are instinctive odds players. If they perceive that there is a chance of a chicken leg falling or being thrown to him, he will visit the table every night waiting for double 00 to hit again.

8. When you're done eating, fix Fido's meal and make him sit before placing his dinner plate in front of him.

If you behave consistently, so will he.

Louise Louis is a certified canine specialist and creator of the popular website on small dogs,

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