Friday, August 8, 2008

A Few Ideas About Choosing A Pet

Writen by Vivian Gilbert Zabel

Pets need attention, feeding, fresh water, exercise, and a commitment from owners, unless the pet is a pet rock. Therefore, choosing the right pet means more than liking its appearance.

Dogs come in different sizes and personalities. A boisterous, energy-filled breed or individual dog might frighten a young child or wear on an older person. A large dog needs a place to run and frolic, space to match its size. Dogs need ample outdoor time unless the owner doesn't mind cleaning messing, even if the dog is paper broken. Dogs depend on attention from an owner, affection as well as being fed and watered. They are protective and good company but deserve the care due them. Some dogs do well around children while others don't. Be sure to research different breeds to discover which will fit into your life style.

Cats are more independent than dogs on a whole. They are capable of being inside twenty-four hours a day as long a litter box is provided and kept clean. Not as socialized as dogs, perhaps, they still need attention. Long haired cats require regular brushing. All need to be de-fleaed and medical problems resolved. Some cats do not tolerate young children; some do. Cats need opportunities to climb, which can be provided through cat condos or perches.

Even low maintenance pets take some care. Fish are mainly hands-off pets, but even with automatic feeders, their water needs to be changed regularly. Hamsters require a clean cage, and automatic feeders and waterers need to be refilled. No matter how little daily care any pet may need, time and energy must be available to do what needs to be done.

Any neglected animal suffers. A pet that wants social attention but doesn't receive it suffers as much emotionally as one not receiving necessary physical consideration. In fact, the lack of human contact can cause an animal to develop physical problems. Therefore, the time a prospective owner would have for a pet must be considered when choosing one.

Also the amount of space needed for any given pet should be ample. Someone living in a small apartment shouldn't have a Great Dane or a German Shepherd, for example. Larger animals need space to run and move. Two walks on a leash doesn't give large animals enough exercise.

Every would-be owner needs to study the needs of a possible pet and examine his ability to meet those needs. The only pet around that needs nothing from an owner is a pet rock, which can be placed anywhere and only need dusting occasionally.

Vivian Gilbert Zabel is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/.This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.PetLovers.Com/ which is a site for Pet Forums.

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